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Tips to Improve your Airbnb Visibility on Google

Ever since the turn of the century, everything, obviously, has moved online. Can you think of anything you CAN’T do online? We do our banking online, never having to see a physical dollar all month if we choose. We can order trinkets from Asia or Latin America and have them in our home the following day, just by the click of a button. And who are we kidding, we all...

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Co-hosting vs Brand Management

If you currently own a vacation rental or perhaps considering listing your own property, it’s natural to have so many questions concerning the variety of options you have when listing your home. “What is the best price to list my rental at? What are the necessities that need to be revamped in my home? Do I have the time to meet with the guest when they check in? What are...

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5 Unconventional Tips to Landing a 5 Star Review on Your Vacation Rental Profile

The backbone of any successful business is growth. From innovation to taking massive action and collaboration, and possibly the most important, growth from the past. Growth from successes and failures that turned into lessons learned. Growth in the form of feedback or reviews, in particular, is truly the backbone to the success of a vacation rental property. Vacation rental reviews give you an accurate depiction of your business from the...

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5 Reasons to NOT Choose a Management Company to Host Your Airbnb Vacation Rental

1: You don’t want to increase your revenue You love the daily grind of working 8-5 (let’s be real it’s more like 7-7 with your commute). You come home and heat up that delicious frozen chicken dinner that’s been sitting in the freezer for two months, and then you are off again to that fulfilling side job, all so you can make ends meet. Living paycheck to paycheck and only...

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How to Write an Impactful Description for your Vacation Home

One of the most common questions we get as a and vacation rental business is if the market is saturated. So many people hoping to break into the business are either holding back or getting frustrated because they are not seeing the success they had hoped to. This frustration usually leads to the assumption that they may have been late to the game. “There are too many options” there are...

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Dear Airbnb Plus, St. Louis is Ready for you!

Dear Airbnb Plus, St. Louis is Ready! JZ Vacation Rentals’ case to bring the world’s premier hosting certification to Saint Louis, MO… and improve it. Alex Zemianek, Owner & CEO – JZ Vacation Rentals With the instant and explosive success of Airbnb Plus, the standard of Vacation Rental consistency now clearly separates the best from the rest. This enables customers to hone in on the elite hosting systems, where only...

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What Could Possibly Go Wrong with Vacation Rentals?

The vacation rental industry seems like such a blessing with just pros and zero cons for both the guest and the host. Recent popularity inflammation leads everyone to believe and ask the question of “What could possibly go wrong?” The increasing success rates has made it more tempting for the inexperienced to want a piece of the cake. This is where everything goes wrong. When individuals start vacation rentals for...

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How Vacation Rentals Help Cities

Vасаtіоn rеntаlѕ hаvе bееn аrоund fоr dесаdеѕ, аnd wіth thе еvоlvіng sharing есоnomy, іt’ѕ сlеаr thеѕе rеntаlѕ аrе hеrе tо ѕtау. Fоr thе mоѕt раrt, іt’ѕ hаd a positive іmрасt. A lot of people tend to focus on the negative part of Vacation Rentals which is the occasional under-regulated illegal homes that are results of individual hosts looking to make a quick buck. What most people and cities don’t appreciate...

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Channel Optimization

“What is Channel Optimization?” If you had to ask, then you’re definitely doing it wrong. For businesses that are not taking any steps to optimize their channel management, demise is right around the corner, and for those that have acknowledged its importance, you’re on the other side where the grass is definitely greener. JZ Vacation Rentals not only have acknowledged but is still striving for channel optimization regularly. Even in...

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Become a Turnkey Investor with Vacation Rental Turnkeys

Imagine yourself sitting in the world’s most comfortable chair and someone brings this key to you. This key unlocks a door to a secured steady flow of cash over a long period of time in return for a large initial cash investment. All you have to do is “turn the key” to unlock this treasure. Turnkey Properties is just that. It’s a term used for passive real estate. How it...

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