Alex Zemianek’s business and personal philosophy compels him to give back to the community that has supported and nurtured him.
One of the not-so-secrets of Alex’s success is that it’s never about him. It’s always about supporting others.
Alex believes the best way to serve a community is to empower its members to elevate their own positions. He thrives on giving them the tools, the knowledge, and the self-confidence to thrive.
Those who know Alex well say, “If you hang out with Alex long enough, he’ll brainwash you into believing in yourself.”
The Catalyst
Alex gained his perspective through tragedy. When he lost his father at the tender age of 20, he realized that life is short and precious. That it should never be wasted or deferred. So, Alex chose to use this adversity as a catalyst to propel him forward, rather than an inhibitor to keep him stuck.
The first step in Alex’s professional journey was to read the respected blockbuster book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. Armed with the principles set forth, Alex began his career by accepting a position with AT&T.
While it was always his intent to carry on his father’s real estate legacy, Alex knew that he had to have a solid business background from which to draw. It was this knowledge and foresight that saw him rise steadily through the corporate ranks of AT&T for 14 years. When he reached the pinnacle of #1 District Manager within the company, he knew it was time to accomplish new goals.
JZ Vacation Rentals Founded
With the unconditional encouragement of his mother, and unwavering support of his wife, Alex founded KJZ Investments, LLC, which has since evolved into JZ Properties and JZ Vacation Rentals.
And honor it, he has. Alex has created a 7-figure business based on the principles of fairness, trust, collaboration, and giving back to the community that has helped him prosper.
JZ Vacation Rentals and its sister company, JZ Properties helps investors, hosts, and guests with many aspects of real estate. Some of these include long- and short-term rental properties, property management services, real estate development, and investment strategies.
Alex is particularly proud of the non-profit arm of his organization. JZ Gives Back, gives back to individuals and groups in the community.
JZ Gives Back to Community Organizations
Homelessness and children in need are just two of the groups that JZ Gives Back supports. In addition, they provide education and legal representation for the short-term rental industry.
Some of the organizations they work with include:
St. Patrick’s Center in St. Louis, which provides “opportunities for self-sufficiency and dignity to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Individuals and families build permanent, positive change in their lives through safe and affordable housing, sound mental and physical health, and employment and financial stability.”
In 2019, JZ Gives Back helped raise more than $8400 for the Heart & Soul Foundation, which supports children born with heart defects, with the donation of two 7-day vacation rentals.
JZ Gives Back hosts monthly “Meet-Up” events aimed at bringing the community together. They provide education for local entrepreneurs to help businesses evolve and raise awareness of the short-term rental industry in the St. Louis area. They also provide free real estate coaching, Airbnb education, and non-profit organization.
Alex Zemianek believes as strongly in giving back to his community as he believes in its inhabitants. If you are interested in donating to any of the JZ Gives Back’s causes, please get in touch. We appreciate you!